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Hi, I'm Lisa George. I'm originally from Southern California, born in LA, then raised in Huntington Beach. I went to college at UCSB ... go Gaucho's!

I moved to San Francisco during the boom and met my soon-to-be husband, Barton there. We lived in the same apartment building and his magazine was delivered to my mailbox by accident. A very happy accident indeed! I always say that it's good the magazine was the Harvard Alumni Magazine instead of "Playboy."

Barton proposed in the courtyard of Grace Cathedral and 7 months later, we were married! In 2003, we moved to San Jose and lived in a wonderful area called The Rose Garden. One year later, Nicole was born, our little miracle. 19 months after that, Dane & Logan arrived.

We just moved to Austin in February 2007. This blog chronicles the haps in our lives.

Love & Aloha,

The George Family


Movies, reading, yoga. I used to love travelling, but that's slowed down a lot now that we have our kidlets.