We've reached the age with the boys where birthday parties are a big deal. All three of the Little Georges talk about their birthday parties incessantly, even Nicole, whose birthday is still five months away. So now when they're upset with someone, they issue the threat "You're not coming to my party." Dane is the biggest offender. I can't tell you how many times we've all been dis-invited to his party. He doesn't seem to grasp that 1) as the party planner, if mommy doesn't come to the party, the party ain't happenin' and 2) as twins, he and Logan have a joint party so he really can't dis-invite his brother. None of this matters. Dane has found what he considers a very valid threat, and darn it, he's going to use it!
Dane often has good reason for dis-inviting Logan to his birthday party. Logan is not content unless he is bothering his siblings mercilessly. He is the ultimate imp. Just imagine if you combined the manic energy and showmanship of Jim Carrey and Robin Williams and you've got Logan ... funny, but often over-the-top, sometimes way over-the-top. So he mugs, pokes and dances around in an effort to entertain and irritate his audience and the result is one or the other or sometimes a combination of the both.
Nicole is still a sweet, easy-going child unless you try and get in the way of what she wants to wear. I don't know if it's because Daddy is from Hawaii, but she always wants to wear shorts and short-sleeve (but not tank top) shirts. She is very specific about this desire. In fact, she repeats "shorts and short-sleeves-but-not-tank-top" so often that it's become her clothing mantra. I try and be as easy-going about this as possible, mostly out of sheer exhaustion ... I'm just not up for the battle. However, when I got subtly reprimanded by her kindergarten teacher for not dressing her warm enough, I knew that it was time to buck up and be the mean mommy. So now every other day or so we have clothing battles in the morning. This morning, Nicole was so outraged when I wouldn't let her wear shorts that she was literally screaming at the top of her lungs and kicking rugs off the hardware floors. It's really rough to have World War III at 7am. But mostly, Nicole is a sweetheart. I only have myself to blame for my little fashionista because as we all know, I'm a clothes horse, and I wouldn't like it if someone was trying to tell me what to wear either.
They all have their distinct personalities and they often play together nicely now. It's nice to see their imaginations at work. The flip side, is the fighting. Oh Lord, I feel like 80% of my job is referee these days. Now I know why my parents would say, "I don't care who started it ..." I hated that line, but if you try and solve who was the instigator in every fight, you're going to drive yourself crazy.
So that's a brief update on the Curious Georges. Because I've now been writing for Deep South Moms, this blog is not getting the attention it deserves so I'll try and be more faithful, even if it's just to post small anecdotes of the kids.
Hi Lisa,
Enjoyed your latest update on the Curious Georges. Their dynamic energy must leave few dull moments for you, although I’m sure an occasional one would be appreciated. The accompanying photo shows how your babies are turning into beautiful people. Lazarina and I talk about them often and hope that the boys and their “invited” guests have a great time at their 4th birthday.
Posted by: Peter T George | March 17, 2010 at 01:07 PM